I wish I could tell you about the conglomerate of women in my life right now. Each one of them brings a different type of energy and level of connection.
There are the women who encourage healthy thinking and behaviors, joyful movement, respite, adventure, comfort, intention, self-care, and women who make sure I am showing up in the world in writing and life.
I have deep friendships with those women who have always been there; knowing me to the core. And some new friendships that have appeared out of nowhere, from scratch, only recently.
These are the women in my family, the women on my professional team, the women in my community; each one a teacher AND a healer.
I was reminded that although we are taught to be self-sufficient, we can do zero things alone. We need other humans to survive. We cannot merely attach ourselves to them.
There is a deep relationship to be found between writer and reader. Our words make us relatable to others in real life as explained through our writing. It is a way to make meaning and connections.
A friend and I were talking about attachment styles. We were steeped in this mindset of attachment being “wrong” or “bad” as opposed to connection. It encouraged us to learn more, and we were both equally surprised at the outcome.
Take the quiz to determine what your attachment style is
Listen to this podcast about attachment style.
Use the knowledge about your attachment style to determine how best to connect with others #inwritingandlife.
Tell me what you discovered by replying in the comments.
One of the most important things to consider when using your words in writing and life is how your message will connect with the people who need to hear it. While attachment style is more biological, connection is intentional.
Have you considered:
What do you have to say? When your purpose intertwines with your passion, it’s easy to create an authentic message.
Who needs to hear it? An authentic message resonates with people, especially those that need to hear it.
How will you tell them? Find out where the people are that need to hear what you have to say and meet them there.
You can become more intentional #inwritingandlife by putting your learning into practice.
One. Share your message with the people you trust the most. Practice on them.
Two. Become an expert on your topic and pay attention to the feedback you get.
Three. Make connections based on what you have to say in real life.
Do you need a guide to help you with your work #inwritingandlife?
I offer coaching packages to help you get started, get organized, create a plan to use your words and put it into practice.